Print what you like-best way to save your favorite web-pages for offline reading

There will be some situations where you want to access a web-page in offline mode. Say for example you are preparing for your university end exams and you have some important reading material available in a website. In this situation you may prefer to take printouts or save them in PDF format so that you can access them in your computer(offline mode) or on your tablet.

Printing a web-page as it is may waste a lot of paper and also it wont look good as websites display advertisements which are useless and distracting. So now  our aim is to remove the advertisements and save a webpage as PDF file so that we can read it offline or take a printout of it.


This is one my favorite website to save a webpage as PDF file or to print it.Go to the website and enter the address of your desired website and remove all the unwanted clutter(select any advertisement and click remove) from the webpage to save it as a PDF file. This is shown in the following screenshot where i want to remove the unwanted sidebar.In a similar way choose all the unwanted parts of a webpage, click on remove button and save it as PDF file.

print what you like for removing unwanted clutter in webpages
remove unwanted parts of a webpage using "print what you like"

You can even format the webpage as you like. It includes changing the font of webpage, removing background images etc.Choose the options as you need and save all your favorite webpages in PDF format for offline reading.


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